Get Involved

Image of a group of volunteers at a car seat event, with broken car seats placed in front of them.
Image of a child passenger safety technician teaching a child how to correctly buckle up in a booster seat.
Image of a volunteer at a medication safety event, providing information and assistance to attendees.

SafeKids Huron Valley

The C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital is the lead organization for Safe Kids Huron Valley. Safe Kids is a worldwide organization that strives to reduce the rate of unintentional injuries through education, legislation, and research. We work locally to keep children safe from injuries by offering community outreach and patient education. We use evidence based practice to educate caregivers and children on a variety of safety topics including child passenger safety, pedestrian safety, and helmet use. Find out more at


Do you want to be a superhero? We are always looking for volunteers who are passionate about working with children and families!  The Injury Prevention Program relies on volunteers to help serve as many families as possible at our events. These events include car seat checks, seasonal safety events, Parent nights at schools and many more!  If you wish to volunteer with us please contact us at 734-763-2251.

Help keep kids safe by making a donation to the Pediatric Trauma Program. Did you know the average cost of a car seat is $50? Or that the average cost of a bike helmet is $20? Your donations help us give back to the community by providing resources to families who are in need. Thank you for helping our little victors!