Seasonal Safety 

Spring and Summer

Lawn Mowers

More than 9,000 children visit an emergency room each year for a lawn mower related injury. When using a lawn mower it is important to practice safe habits to prevent an unintentional injury. Remember, a lawn mower is not a toy, not for rides, and always keep kids inside while they are in use!


All-terrain and off-road vehicles are year-long activities. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that riders should be at least 16 years of age. ATVs can be too large for smaller kids to handle. Operating an ATV requires a rider to make quick decisions and shift weight. Children under 16 are unlikely to make these choices or have the skills to carry them out. Whether on private or public land follow these tips to have a safe ride.

ATV/ORV Operator Regulations

**An adult must have direct observation and be close enough to come to the immediate aid of a youthful ORV/ATV operator. 


Jumping on a trampoline can be a fun activity but it also has a high risk for injuries in children. Trampoline injuries can vary from sprains, fractures, head and neck injuries. If you allow your children to play on a trampoline, it is important to follow these safety tips.

Wheeled Sports

As the weather gets warmer and brighter we see more people enjoying outdoor activities on wheels. Hoverboards, scooters, roller skates and of course bikes are some of the common ways both children and adults get around. In order to stay safe while on wheels, follow these tips:


Drowning is a leading cause of death in children under 4 years old. It is important to teach children how to swim and to not play near water without adult supervision. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends teaching children how to swim as young as 1 year old to decrease the risk of drowning. Never leave a child unattended around water!

Image showing a display with an outdoor temperature reading from a thermometer, with parked cars visible in the background.

Hot Cars

Never leave a child alone in a vehicle even if the windows are cracked or the air conditioning is running. Approximately 40-50 children die each year due to heatstroke after being left in a car. Heat Stroke can happen when the body temperature reaches 104 degrees. A baby’s body heats up 3-5 times faster than an adult's body.

If you see a child alone in a car, call 911 immediately!

Button Batteries

The small, round, flat batteries often found in toys, remote controls, and greeting cards are known as button batteries. These batteries can cause serious internal injuries and tissue burns if swallowed. Be aware of where these batteries are found and be sure to dispose of them appropriately when you no longer need them. 

Printable Tip Sheets

Click on the links below for a free PDF copy of one of our safety tip handouts!